Blossom Fields

Ready, Set, Grow!

Blossom Fields Pre School educates children from ages 18 months to 6 years of age.

Our Approach

At Blossom Fields we educate children from ages 18 months to 6 years of age. Our Seedlings are ages 18 months to 3 years, our Tiny Buds are ages 3 to 4.5 years and finally our Little Blossoms are ages 4.5 years to age 6. Our adult to children ratio in Seedlings and Tiny Buds are 1 adult to 5 children.

Our aim is to enable children to be confident learners through a range of different approaches.We want to equip our children with life long learning skills that will help them in all aspects of later life.

At Blossom Fields we teach children not to ‘shy down’ when faced with various challenges. They are taught to thrive through difficult tasks which enables them to gain the art of perseverance. We believe that perseverance is at the heart of every learning and children who can persevere will ‘keep on trying’ and eventually become successful and independent learners.

Our Vision

Blossom Fields is a play-based pre-school that strongly practises a blend of the adlerian and growth mindset philosophies. Alfred Adler believed that all humans ‘strive for superiority’. He believed that each individual strives for a sense of belonging, a sense of community. Adler also believed that all humans are goal-oriented and children who are encouraged from an early age learn to make healthy choices.

Blossom Field staff are fully trained to nurture children to feel respected and to feel confident in reaching their true potential. We provide a safe and happy environment where children are comfortable to try something new and something different in their own time. We believe that when children are ready to embark on a challenge that’s when new learning is developed. It’s very important for us that all children feel fulfilled in our environment. We want our children to acquire the love of school and to value learning with a positive outlook.

Our Environment

At Blossom Fields our environment is at the heart of all learning where children learn, develop and thrive. Our classrooms are set out with purposeful activities to promote the development of a range of skills. We drive our learning through the eyes of our children. Our staff are trained in promoting active problem solving skills through building creative learning spaces. We encourage our children ‘to have a go’ at what is set out for the day. At blossom fields you will notice a quiet, collected environment where children flourish with concrete activities. Our staff are fully trained in developing the learning areas according to the children’s interests and to drive the learning forward.

Our Routine and Activities

Consistency is super important to us as children thrive with a set routine. We make sure that children make full use of our facilities and enjoy their time with us. At Blossom Fields we believe that everything has to have a purpose. Therefore our day to day planning is thorough where our staff really focus on the children in their class as the centre of all activities. And any activity that is planned should reflect the next steps of learning. ‘What are we doing and why’. This ensures that high standards of lessons are being planned and that all children are able to access the learning at all times.


Blossom Fields provides a safe and fun environment where kids can learn and thrive.

Safety Proof Building

CCTV Monitoring

24/7 Security

Trained Staff

Evacuation Procedure

Clean & Sanitized

First Aid Room

Supervised Play

Our Facilities

We provide a safe and happy environment for children to learn, develop and thrive.


Outdoor Play area


Swimming Pool


First Aid room


Children’s Library


Multi Purpose Classrooms


Picnic Area


Multi Sports Area


Messy Play Area


Roleplay Area


Pet and Potting Area

Colorfull rubber ball

Soft Play Gym (coming soon)

Young kid exploring a multi sensory space - snoezelen concept

Sensory Room (coming soon)


IT & Technology Room (coming soon)

Our Team

At Blossom Fields we believe that children are powerful learners and therefore our trained staff are able to recognise and organise environments of high-quality play. Our staff are equipped with continuous support in the teaching and learning department to ensure all children are making substantial progress.

Our Curriculum

We follow the standardised  British Framework

At Blossom Fields we follow the standardised British Framework for ages 0-6 years known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This framework ensures that children are provided with a secure foundation and focuses on the development of the ‘whole child’.

The learning ethos behind the EYFS is to provide a mixture of learning opportunities through play-based and adult-led activities. Practitioners working in this field are expected to encourage learning through discussions, modelling, direct and indirect teaching.

The EYFS strongly focuses on 3 main prime areas which are:

  1. Communication and language
  2. Physical development
  3. Personal, social and emotional development

Once children have a good foundation of the prima areas, the EYFS then continues to focus on the 4 specific areas.

  1. Mathematics
  2. Literacy
  3. Expressive, Arts and Design
  4. Understanding the World

Love of Books

At Blossom Fields we believe that the magic of print plays huge part in the development of children’s imagination. Children should not feel that reading a book is boring and is chore infact they should feel fascinated and excited to open a book.

Children should be exposed to books right from an early age. Creating a habit of reading can help young children to enhance language skills, building vocabulary and grammar and building fluency in speaking.

We create lots of opportunities in our environment where children can engage with books and share them with an adult. Our practitioners are trained to converse with children to help them acquire a range of comprehension skills through well thought out activities.

Contact Us

Do you have any queries? We are always here to help!